Detects Stress Earlier Than Visual Monitoring-Before Plant Growth Is Affected Based on an exclusive patent license from NASA, the Spectrum Chlorophyll…
An essential tool for effectively managing your nitrogen program. The FieldScout CM 1000 NDVI Meter uses “point-and-shoot” technology to instantly measure…
The Power of Your SmartPhone...for Nitrogen Management!
• Determine recommended nitrogen rates at V6 - V10 stage for corn
The Power of Your SmartPhone...for Turf Health!
• Quantify turf color and quality
• Identify turf stress before it’s too…
Measure and record Chlorophyll N measurements in just seconds with the SPAD 502 Meter - now exclusively available with or…
NEW! SPAD 502 Chlorophyll Meter featuring integrated data logger. Instantly measure and log chlorophyll content. Simply clamp the meter over…
Turfgrass quality is visually evaluated by human assessors based on a scale of 1(the grass is dead) to…